Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitic?

Rev. Dr. Sheri Pallas
3 min readAug 24, 2024


The Executive Council of Australian Jewry reported it saw a six-fold increase in anti-Semitic incidents last year. (Getty images: SOPA Images)

Before October 7th, I was ignorant of what Zionism meant. After some light research, my initial reactions and thoughts were against it. But I kept asking questions and getting input from trusted friends.

Then, a few weeks ago, I saw a lengthy thread on X that said anti-Zionism was the epitome of anti-Semitic. Upon gathering images, I see Mike Pompeo, among others, agree.

I wish I had bookmarked it, or could remember the author, because it gave me a Zionist’s perspective.

In summation, she said that standing against the rights of Jews to their “homeland” is the height of xenophobia and is wholly antisemitic.

“Everyone deserves a home! And to say that Jews do not, is the ultimate hatred!” (loosely quoted but that was the gist)

It gave me pause and I have been ruminating on it ever since.

And now, I am even more anti-Zionist.

No one on the planet can issue such a claim. Let alone, claim it is divinely appointed.

I supposedly am a descendant of the Goddess Athena. Can I claim the Parthenon?

Can I claim Athens as my “homeland?” I have God-given rights!

And I am Russian. Can I return to my grandparents’ former homes and demand eviction from its current tenants?

No. That is absurd.

Yes, everyone deserves a home. But Zionism claims they have rights to THAT home and anyone who disagrees just hates them.


It is entitlement.

It is claiming to be “God’s” favorite children: the ULTIMATE ego trip, which has killed millions!

“God” does not have favorites, or “He” is not supreme. “He’s” a horrible parent.

It is colonialism “In the name of God.”

And, the majority of Orthodox Jews reject Zionism.

Getty Images

Until we see each other as one family and stop claiming to be “Dad’s favorite” people will be slaughtered.

Everyday, families are destroyed over perceived entitlement. Inheritance has turned siblings into suers, since ancient man.

Having that fight on a national level will only destroy the lives of millions.

And it is solely based on greed, power, and control.

It is gross.

And US citizens should shut-up, before the Natives and Mexico stake the same claim.



Rev. Dr. Sheri Pallas

Social Justice SOULdier. Exposing the man-made flaws in religion that diminish the unconditional love of God