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When They fall, They Don’t Falwell
Jerry Falwell Jr.’s fall was inevitable. His con was long and large.
I’m working on a breakdown of the Vanity Fair piece, but I pondered the roots of these patterns. The roots go back several millennia. When men embody them, eventually their cons, and therefore their worlds, collapse.
Junior obviously didn’t learn from his father’s mistake, only how to get away with more.
I’ve learned from them, and vow to be their dichotomy.
My Creed:
Do not put me on a pedestal
For I am only human
I am fallible and will surely fall
Being exceptional is really only an illusion
Do not worship me
Learn from my mistakes and strengths
But don’t ever forget my humanity
Adoration can lead to extreme lengths
Because if you elevate me
Our fallibility will surely creep in
Which leads to justifying atrocities